Guide to Successfully Bind Quotes

Learn to make a bind request and immediately retrieve policy documents

Manual Binds


Binding via email or after underwriter review

You can bind manually via your broker's account in the At-Bay Broker Platform by appending the company_id in our API response to our Broker Platform link:

  • Production{company_id}
  • Demo{company_id}

Automated Binds via API

Step 1. Contingencies

When you make a GET request to /quotes/{quote_id}, the response will contain a property called contingencies which is an array of contingency objects.


Multiple Contingencies

Referred quotes will sometimes have multiple contingencies in the contingencies array after underwriter review. Please reflect this back to your user so this can be handled manually via a link to our Broker Platform

"contingencies": [
    "contingency_id": int,
    "status": "closed" || "open",
    "text": str,
    "type": "post_bind" || "pre_bind"

This list will usually include only one contingency that's the post-bind contingency of a signed /application.


Contingency Status

Contingencies will only be closed after underwriter review.
However, this does not matter for our usual post-bind signature contingency.

Step 2. Fulfilling Contingencies and Uploading Documents

You can fulfill contingencies by uploading documents tied to them.

For the post-bind signature contingency you must:

  • Download our application by making a GET request to /quotes/application/{quote_id}
  • Upload the signed application using POST /documents

Upload Documents

In our /documents endpoint, we expect 4 fields in the request body's payload.
These 4 form-data fields are:

  "contingency": {contingency_id}, //as part of the response in the contingency object of GET /quotes
  "file": File, //One file per request. Though multiple requests(supporting documents) can be made per contingency
  "quote_identifier": {quote_id},
  "name": str 

Step 3. Make a Bind Request

Once the support documents are uploaded, you can make POST request to /bind!

Request body payload:

    "quote_identifier": {quote_id},
    "dates": {
        "effective": str, //"YYYY-MM-DD"
        "expiration": str //"YYYY-MM-DD"
    "app_attestation": boolean // Optional field. Omittance will result in a bind request or conditional binder issued.

For more detail regarding the results of a bind request, please check out the table on app attestation.


Quote validity period for binds

The effective date cannot be more than 7 days in the past from the current date and more than 30 days in the future.

Step 4. Retrieve Policy Documents or Poll for closed Contingencies

If you have sent a bind request with app_attestation:true with uploaded documents, you can now make GET requests to quotes/policy/{quote_id} and other document endpoints.

With conditional binders, these endpoints can also be utilized:
quotes/binder, quotes/billing_statement, quotes/security_letter.

The quote_status of successfully bound quotes or quotes with conditional binders will be policy_active and a policy_number will be available in the response of GET /quotes.


Resubmitting a bind request

If you initially received a conditional binder, you must wait for underwriter review. You cannot submit another bind request with app_attestation:true. Ensure that app_attestation can be used before submitting a bind request.

Quotes will expire after 30 days if the conditional binder has not been fulfilled.

Polling Strategy for Unfulfilled Contingencies

We recommend making a GET request to /quotes/{quote_id} once a day to see if the contingency status has moved from open to closed. Our underwriters will review your bind request within a few business days.


Quote Status bind_requested

If a quote has entered the bind_requested status, it usually means there are pre-bind contingencies or more post-bind contingencies than our usual signature contingency that needs manual underwriter review.